today is a very special day for someone in our house. on this day 30 years ago Jared was born. Happy Birthday! So, on this momentous occasion, i want to take a few minutes to wish him a Happy Birthday. if you have a week stomach for mushy words of affirmation, then read no further! you have been forewarned. (oh yah, and of course there will be pictures :)

Some call him Fonz, Coach, Coach Fonz. But, the cutest call him Dad.

and, he is one of the best there is.
i'm almost certain there is nothing sexier than a big, strong man that loves his little, precious, daughter.

I love his sense of adventure and patience for my love of
looonnnngggg road trips.

and while he'll be the first to tell you he's not perfect. and we don't always see eye to eye.
i'm pretty sure that i don't deserve him.

Thanks Jared for being a great dad and husband! Happy Birthday!

.......and she thinks they're just fishing.....
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